child smiling with school supplies on table

Providing the Best Education and Care for Every Child

90% of a child’s brain develops in the first five years*, so let’s make the most of that time.

Primrose school teachers partner closely with parents to provide personalized support that helps empower your child when it counts the most.

child writing and smilingchild writing and smiling

Evidence of Learning Portfolios

What is it?

As teachers observe and interact with students, they collect evidence demonstrating progress across domains including academic, physical, social-emotional and language/communication.

How we apply it.

Learning is always happening at Primrose schools. Teachers use Evidence of Learning portfolios to document mastery of learning outcomes aligned to the Balanced Learning curriculum during daily activities. This showcase of development is an important tool in supporting and celebrating the progress of each child. 

child smiling while completing a worksheetchild smiling while completing a worksheet

Developmental Screening

What is it?

We know that when a child’s development is assessed early, they have a greater chance of reaching their potential. Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ® – 3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social – Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®:SE – 2) are developmental screening tools used at Primrose schools to help teachers and families track progress toward key milestones. Primrose is the first national provider of early childhood education and care to implement ASQ® across all schools.

How we apply it.

With ASQ, teachers and families work together. That means the results are more accurate and teachers are better prepared to meet your child’s individual needs. These developmental screenings are completed every fall to adjust your child’s support and every spring to help you as parents understand your child’s development through the school year.

two kindergarten children completing classwork togethertwo kindergarten children completing classwork together

Academic Measures

What is it?

Star Early Literacy is a research-based, nationally normed assessment that measures early literacy and numeracy skills in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten.

How we apply it.

Teachers use these results to support each child’s learning through differentiated instruction. This helps ensure all children are gaining necessary literacy skills and are on the path to academic success.